bis 13:00
Check into your hotel
Arrival of the participants
Getting from the mainland13:30 – 14:00
at the city hall
14:00 – 14:30
16:15 – 16:45
Hotel Atoll (in the bistro)
coffee break
Here you can expect drinks of all stripes and small healthy snacksDirk Güsewell,Board of EnBW Renewable and Conventional Generation AG
"Offshore wind from the perspective of an energy company"Alf Henryk Wulf, Alstom CEO AG Germany
"Industrialization of offshore wind energy usage from the perspective of a group"19:00 - 24:00
"Dune" Heligoland
(Crossing with Börtebooten at 19:00)
Jochen Homann,President of the Federal Network Agency
"For the power supply planning in the North and Baltic Sea"Prof. Antje Orth,Chief Engineer of the Danish network operator Energinet. dk
"Crosslinking the North Sea - work and results of the North Sea States Offshore Grid Initiative (NSCOGI)"Tim Dawidowsky,CEO Transmission Solutions, Siemens
"Solutions for an efficient grid connection of offshore wind farms"11:00 – 11:15
Hotel Atoll (at the bistro)
coffee break
Here you can expect drinks of all stripes and small healthy snacksJens Assheuer,CEO WindMW
"Current challenges in the construction of offshore wind power plants"Dr. Jörg Buddenberg, EWE AG, spokesman for the AG operators
"For the necessary conditions of the further construction of power plants at sea"Panel discussion with press
Summary of the Forum / view / press release13:30 - 14:00
Maritimes lunch at the Hotel Atoll
Helgoland local specialties14:15 – 15:45
All the participants, who are interested in the offshore wind cluster could travel with the Halunder jet.