Arrival from the mainland by plane or high-speed ferry Reception from 10:30 am to 02:00 pm at the Nordseehalle
by Mayor Jörg Singer followed by a welcome from Tobias Goldschmidt, State Secretary of Ministry of Energy, Agriculture, the Environment, Nature and Digitalization in Schleswig-Holstein
Olaf Lies (requested), Minister for Environment, Energy, Building and Climate Protection in Niedersachsen
Bernhard Friess, Director Maritime Policy and Blue Economy from European Commission (DG-MARE)
Astrid Wirnhier, Head of unit Offshore Windenergy at Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Panel discussion with:
Stefan Kapferer, CEO 50Hertz
Jochen Homann, President of BnetzA
Martin Neubert, CEO Offshore Wind, Orsted
Nils de Baar, Regional President NCE, Vestas A/S
Here you can expect drinks and small healthy snacks
Senior Vice President Business Area Wind, Vattenfall AB
“New Initiatives from World Forum Offshore Wind”
“Energy Islands – Next Step towards CO2 Neutral Society”
Key note from Prof. Dr. Christopher Hebling, Director Business Division Hydrogen Technologies, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE)
followed by a discussion with:
Gunnar Groebler (CEO Salzgitter AG)
Sven Utermöhlen (COO Offshore Wind RWE Renewables)
Hessel de Jong (General Manager Europe for Offshore Wind, Shell),
Olivier Terneaud (Vice President BU Offshore Wind, Total)
Ingunn Svegården (SVP Emerging Regions, Equinor)
David Anderson (SVP Renewable Growth, BP)
Ore Catapult,Prof. Dr. Martin Skiba and press