Huub den Rooijen
Huub is the Director of Energy, Minerals and Infrastructure at The Crown Estate, an independent commercial business set up by Act of Parliament. Huub leads the team responsible for managing the natural resources of the seabed, including infrastructure, minerals and aggregates, and offshore wind.
Huub joined The Crown Estate in March 2012 and has over 30 years of experience in the energy sector, predominantly working with Shell. While at Shell he was jointly responsible for creating its wind energy business in 1997 and managed its first offshore wind projects, including the first offshore turbines in the UK in 2000 and the first offshore windfarm in The Netherlands in 2006. Prior to moving to renewables, he worked in oil and gas in The Hague, Houston and London.
Huub holds a degree in astrophysics from Utrecht University in the Netherlands and lives in London.