Dirk Briese
Mr. Briese is a graduate in business administration and has been the managing director of trend: research GmbH – Institute for Trend and Market Research since 2001. Prior to this, Mr. Briese worked for four years as Project Manager and Head of Investment Development in the corporate development of swb AG (previously Stadtwerke Bremen AG). Precedently, he was a consultant from 1993 to 1997, and from 1996 onwards he was a member of the management team in a consulting firm specializing in environmental and energy technology. Furthermore, Mr. Briese has been CEO of the Federal Association for Energy Market Services (BEMD e.V) since December 2009. In all of these activities Mr. Briese was responsible for various, often strategic projects. At trend:research, Mr. Briese is responsible for the business development and the preparation and execution of exclusive studies as well as selected expert opinions on on- and offshore wind energy.
Mr. Briese is the author of a large number of articles and contributions to the daily and specialized press such as Handelsblatt, Süddeutsche Zeitung and other newspapers and magazines as well as in various specialist publications and manuals. He is a speaker at various conferences in Germany and abroad and has presided over various conferences of different organizers.
Mr. Briese has also been the spokesman for the Market & Logistics Market & Logistics division of WAB e.V. and curator of the Offshore Foundation, as well as a member of the federal expert commissions Energy Policy and Energy Efficiency and also in Windcluster BW.