Dr. Bernd Buchholz
Minister of Economy of Schleswig-Holstein
Dr. Bernd Buchholz has been the Minister of Economic Affairs of Schleswig-Holstein since July 2017. Prior to that, he had been Deputy Head of the FDP Schleswig-Holstein since 2013.
Enak Ferlemann
Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Transport and Digital Infrastructure
In October 2009 Ferlemann became parliamentary secretary of state with the Federal Minister for Transport, Building and Urban Development. After the Bundestag elections in 2013, he became Parliamentary Secretary of State at the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital
Thorsten Herdan
Head of Department II "Energy Policy - Heat and Efficiency"
Dipl.-Ing. Thorsten Herdan has been Head of Department II "Energy Policy - Heat and Efficiency" at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy since June 2014.
Wilfried Breuer
Member of the Board of Tennet Holding B.V.
From January 2014 he was additionally appointed as Member of the Executive Management Board of TenneT Holding BV, Arnhem with additional responsibility for Offshore Wind in the Netherlands as well as international interconnector projects.
Martin Neubert
CEO Wind Power and Executive Vice President
since 2018 member of Ørsted´s Executive Committee. Before he was Ørsted Senior Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer in Wind Power and Head of Market & Project Development.
Huub den Rooijen
Director of Energy Minerals & Infrastructure, The Crown Estate
Director of Energy Minerals & Infrastructure, The Crown Estate
Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius
director of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI)
Since 01. November 2017 Prof. Boetius is the director of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI). The deep-sea researcher is also Professor of Geomicrobiology at the University of Bremen.
Philippe Kavafyan
CEO MHI Vestas
since april 2018 Philippe Kavafyan is Chief Executive Officer of MHI Vestas. Most recently, Philippe has been Director in the Power Division of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in France.
Andreas Nauen
CEO, Offshore Business Unit, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Andreas Nauen is the CEO of the Offshore Business Unit of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Gunnar Groebler
Senior Vice President Vattenfall AB
since April 2015 Senior Vice President Vattenfall AB. Since 2015 Head of Business Area Wind, Member of the Group Executive Board
Sven Utermöhlen
COO and member of the Board of E.ON Climate & Renewables GmbH
Sven Utermöhlen is since April 2017 COO and member of the Board of E.ON Climate & Renewables GmbH. He is responsible for E.ON’s entire Offshore Wind business, the European Onshore Wind business, and for the company’s Procurement and Technology & Innovation activities.
Dirk Güsewell
Head of the EnBW business unit "Generation Portfolio Development"
Dirk Güsewell is the Head of the EnBW business unit "Generation Portfolio Development". Before he was Board of EnBW Renewable and Conventional Generation AG
Werner Diwald
speaker of the board of Deutsche Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen-Verband e.V. (DWV)
Werner Diwald, is the speaker of the board of Deutsche Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen-Verband e.V. (DWV), spokesman of the think tank "performing energy" and a member of the Board of European Hydrogen Association (EHA).
Dirk Briese
CEO - wind:research
Mr. Briese has been the managing director of trend: research GmbH - Institute for Trend and Market Research since 2001. Prior to this, Mr. Briese worked for four years as Project Manager and Head of Investment Development in the corporate development of swb AG (previously Stadtwerke Bremen AG).
Prof. Dr. Martin Skiba
Chairman of the Board of AGOW
The promoted mechanical engineer is a company consultant, Chairman of the Board of Management of AGOW e.V., Member of the Board of Offshore Wind Energy, Member of the Supervisory Board of Senvion S.A. and honorary professor at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. Between 2008 and 2013, he was responsible for the development, construction and operation of all offshore wind farms at RWE Innogy GmbH. Prior to that, he set up the offshore wind energy business at REpower Systems AG between 2001 and 2008.