Arrival from the mainland by plane or high-speed ferry Accreditation from 10:30 am to 02:00 pm in the foyer of the town hall
By Mayor Jörg Singer, followed by a greeting from Enak Ferlemann, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Transport
Welcome by Jens Assheuer, CEO WindMW
Here you can expect drinks and small healthy snacks
„Further leasing in the UK? The case for continued offshore wind growth”
„Marine life – how to protect and conserve our biodiversity“
„Half Year Report 2018 – The Global Market for Offshore Wind Energy“
“Die Zukunft der Offshore Windenergie aus Sicht eines Energieunternehmens”
“Utility Talk” with
Martin Neubert, (CEO Wind Power und Executive Vice President Ørsted A/S),
Sven Utermöhlen, (COO E.ON – Climate & Renewables GmbH)
Gunnar Gröbler, (Senior Vice President Business Area Wind, Vattenfall AB)
Dirk Güsewell, (Head of Production Portfolio EnBW AG)
Here you can expect drinks and small healthy snacks
WTG Session
„Wasserstoffproduktion durch Offshore Windkraftwerke“
“prize-giving ceremony „Best Performing German Offshore Windfarm 2017“
specialties Heligoland